
Health / Safety / Environment / Quality



Sumed's top management has laid down its policy and basic principles in respect of OHS, E and quality that aims to:
1. Protect the environment and prevent pollution.
2. Prevent ill health and injury to its employees and subcontractors to ensure their safety and the safety of neighboring communities.
3. Improve and maintain the quality of services provided to all customers.
4. Maintain and provide resources of high quality necessary to establish the required level of HSE and quality.
5. Reject any compromise that endangers the standards of HSE and quality.
6. Implement effectively SUMED's drawn policy in the fields of OHSE and quality throughout the different functional levels of the company.
7. Improve management system effectiveness through the integration of management systems.


1. Implement SUMED's (hereinafter referred to as "the company") policy and basic principles of HSE and quality excellence throughout the different functional levels of the company.
2. Minimize injury, prevent ill health, occupational health hazards, property damage and emissions, through applying effective loss control management systems.
3. Protect and safeguard employees from any foreseeable hazards to health or safety within the existing operations, working systems or during the introduction of new substances/ plant/machinery/ equipment and operation or premises.
4. Provide the necessary training to all employees to highlight their responsibilities towards adopting and applying health and safety measures.
5. Provide training to all new employees in the fields of general health and safety; identify training needs for all functional levels as well as design compatible training modules that meet their needs.
6. Implement with accuracy, health and safety instructions and ensure that health and safety systems procedures, precautions and regulations are followed.
7. Safeguard and protect the health and welfare of all employees through providing appropriate medical and first aid facilities.
8. Through joint consultation, achieve effective cooperation and involvement of all employees in attaining health and safety objectives and regularly reviewing them.
9. Improve the quality of performance and retain the standards of performance and safety, OHE through complying with legal and special instructions.
10. Commit employees, contractors and suppliers to follow the company's HSE and quality basics and ensure that they in turn, establish and demonstrate similar programs in their activities.
11. Commit minimize of material usage, energy and wastes on constant basis.
12. Record nonconformities and incidents at all levels to identify, solve problems and help ensure that proper and efficient work practices are implemented.
13- Apply measuring systems, evaluating systems, control and reviewing systems as well as continuously developing them in compliance with the company's policy of "continual improvement".
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